Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Got to thinking... It really is so great to be a Christian. I feel for those who aren't. There are a lot of reasons I feel this way... Without being too "preachy" let me share some of them with you.

[1] It's Great to Be a Christian because of my brothers and sisters in Christ. John Donne once wrote "No man is an island". The community of man is a fundamental fact of human existence. We need each other. I am so mindful of the words of that classic song -- "Bind us together Lord - in chains that cannot be broken!" Everyday I am more and more thankful for the Family of God. What a blessing to have those who rejoice with me when I rejoice and will weep with me when I weep. It's is awesome!

[2] It's Great to Be a Christian because of the purpose and meaning of such a life! It doesn't matter if I build a financial empire or attain intellectual heights. One thing I know for sure -- My Hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness! Christianity gives my life reason as well as hope for it's continuation now... and forever.

[3] It's Great to be a Christian because Jesus died for my sins. As a child of the King, I have come into contact with the One who spent 6 long painful hours on Calvary's cross for ME!. Because of that, my Savior and I have a very special relationship. He lived and died for me... Now I live for Him!

There are many more reasons, obviously.. but I share these with you because of what they have meant to my life and what they can mean to yours. May God bless each of us as we live for Him!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Changes sometimes come hard. Sometimes they come easy. The President of our United States won his campaign on a platform of change. Change is sometimes good, depending on why one changes. Shelly and i are ending a chapter in our lives and preparing ourselves to begin a new chapter.After nine years with the Mainland Church of Christ, we are in the process of re-locating. We will be leaving behind some very dear friends, while never losing the friendship. We will be leaving behind some pretty awesome memories, while beginning some new memories for years to come.

We have been so blessed by our time at the Mainland church. OH, there have been some rocky times, but the blessings far outweigh the negatives. I am so mindful of those precious young people that we have helped grow into fine young Christians. I am mindful of the adults that we studied with and encouraged to become Christians.. and now are positive examples in the kIngdom. I am mindful..... well, the list is just too plentiful to mention all now. In the days and weeks to come, I will blog about some of these wonderful examples.

In the meantime, your prayers and thoughts are sought. May our decisions and directions be what God wants. We will keep you posted. Thanks for checking in.... and may God richly bless you.smile